Despite the bad weather, we had a great day with the boys. We went to the Children's Museum and to McDonald's to play on the Playplace where Jack got to take his dingus out! Yep, you read right! One of my finer moments as a mother . . .
So what happened was . . . We were playing at McDonald's with Jennifer, Lauren, and Cooper. We were there for about an hour and a half when Lauren comes down and tells us that Jack is naked! I was sure she was mistaken so I asked her to go up there and bring him down. Instead of bringing him down, she brings down his pants and his pull-up. WHAT!!!!! I look up and he is jumping in the see-through car . . . dingus just waving in the wind! You know because of the weather the place was packed too. I start yelling for him to come down and he acts like he can't hear me. So, I send Lauren back up to get him and tell her to drag him out. Of course, we leave immediately! So, if you frequent the McDonald's on Rockpraire, you might wait a couple days for the playplace to get disinfected . . .
Here are some of the less embarrassing moments from today . . .
I love this picture. We were trying to make a dominoes line and I paused to take a picture of Jack. Right when I was snapping the picture, the dominoes started to fall. Lauren is trying to stop the inevitable!
This might have been right before he disrobed!
Here's to hoping the rest of Spring Break is more modest!