Sunday, January 25, 2009

This and That

Just a quick potty training update . . . If you remember from my previous post, I resorted to bribing my children to get them to go to the bathroom in the big potty. Jack was all about it and became quite good at storing up his potty so that he could get as many suckers as possible and James couldn't care less about the whole situation. Well, all of a sudden last weekend, James started exclusively going pee-pee in the big potty. I don't think he went once in his pull-up.

So, shortly after it appeared they had mastered the whole pee-pee in the potty thing, I decided to try to tackle "number 2." The sucker situation wasn't working so I decided to move on to reese's peanut butter cups thinking they would be able to eat them much faster. The new deal was if you poo-poo in the potty, you get 2 candy's. At first, this had no effect on either of them. In fact, every time I had to change James' diaper, I reminded him of the deal and every time he responded with, "OOOHHH, Okay!" As though it was the first time I told him.

All of the sudden, this weekend, Jack realized the awesomeness of the deal and started pooping in the potty. My initial reaction was elation! No more changing stinky diapers from Jack and I would only have to give him 2 candies a couple times a day. Off course, Jack being Jack, he had other plans in mind. Just as he was able to force out pee-pee for as many suckers as possible, somehow, Jack was able to poop 8, YES EIGHT! times today. Translate that into minutes I had to sit with him in the bathroom and hopefully you will feel sorry for me. Anyone know if Reese's peanut butter cups make children have to go to the bathroom more frequently?

Now on to one of my most proud moments as a parent . . . So I was sitting in the bathroom with Jack tonight while he was trying to squeeze out even the tiniest amount of poo-poo because he desperately wanted some candy and James comes in screaming at me and shaking his little finger as though I had just done something unimaginable. I can't make out a word he is saying but I clearly had done something wrong. By this point I was exhausted (tired and tired of being in the bathroom) and all I could say way, "James, you're not the boss of me!" Yep! That is parenting at it's finest! All you parents out there . . . feel free to use that one! It doesn't work for anything but . . .


Kierstyn said...

Hang in there. This won't last forever! December was the first month I didn't have to buy diapers for Micah and it felt soooo goood!

Cricket said...

Funny about the reese's. I tell Nick he is not the boss of me all the time, but I haven't used it on Bailey yet. She sure bossed me around today. Not a good day, but hopefully tomorrow will be better! I think she didn't like the Kung Pao Chicken I had for dinner!