Sunday, August 29, 2010

A weekend of visitors

We had a great weekend! Got to see our boys and had many visitors. I felt like a normal new mommy showing of her beautiful new baby for a bit. It felt like a very normal day with my sister talking about getting a pedicure with her new neice, my brother-in-law talking about taking a nap with his new neice, my mom crying as soon as her new grandaughter was in her arms, my great friend Lindsay talking about taking Caroline to the lake, and my great friend Lisa talking about getting Caroline some Bling! Yes, it felt like a normal day! Hopefully we will have one of these "normal" days in our own house very soon!

Caroline is doing really well. They are trying to tie up all loose ends so we can hopefully go home by the end of the week. She got the IV out of her hand yesterday and should get her central line out today. That will mark the very last thing poking in her skin. She is still on oxygen but is on very little support. She is completely on my milk now! The eye doctor was in earlier and said that her eyes are normal. I love hearing doctors say "normal" . . . We should be getting visits from the kidney doctor and the Physical Therapist soon. Hopefully, if all of these doctors sign off, we will be heading home soon! Please pray for that to happen. We are missing being with our boys daily terribly. We want Caroline to be ready though so please pray that she stays strong and continues to progress as she has.

1 comment:

Geri said...

It really was a great weekend sweetie, so glad we got to share it with you. Love from the boys.